Firm News
BTNL Partner Jim Noles Speaks At Alabama Forestry Association's Annual Meeting
BTNL partner Jim Noles served as a guest speaker in the Alabama Forestry Association’s Public Policy Seminar “Landowner Issues” as part of the Association’s annual meeting at Orange Beach, Alabama. Noles spoke on the topic “Leasing Land for Solar Farms: Considerations for Land Owners.”
Noles’ practice is focused on environmental matters and, in addition to environmental aspects of real estate and corporate transactions, includes assisting clients with compliance with such federal statutes as the Endangered Species Act and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act – two regulatory regimes of critical importance to the forestry industry in Alabama and the membership of the Alabama Forestry Association.
The Alabama Forestry Association was formed in 1949 to represent the interests of Alabama’s sawmill companies and soon expanded to include forestry members from the stump to the mill. Today, AFA is a membership organization comprised of forest product companies, landowners, loggers, wood suppliers, foresters, and others with a stake in Alabama’s forest economy. For more information on the AFA, visit
About Barze Taylor Noles Lowther LLC: Barze Taylor Noles Lowther LLC is a Birmingham, Alabama-based law firm with a national practice focused on litigation, insurance coverage issues, and environmental matters. For more information, visit or follow @BTNL_law_firm.